
A Grand Chase Fan-fic: Zero's Past, Part 1

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"What...? Where am I...?"
A white hair demon, in the form of a human with a black blindfold with a green line through the center of it, floats inside a large capsule, sleeping with chemical liquids all around him. An old man standing outside of the capsule monitors the demon.
"It is time, my Warrior," he says. "Now, awaken..."
The old man drains the liquid substances away and the demon inside lowers his head to face forward and hold his hand out toward the glass. Using a sort of powerful, green energy blast and shatters the glass, then drops down to the floor on one knee and presses his hand on the floor, with his head down.
The Warrior stands up on his feet and a black T-shirt with 00 on the chest magically appears on him along with green long pants, black gloves, and bare feet. He looks up at the old man, curiously wondering.
"My perfect creation," the old man began. "My name is Oz, I have created you so that you can be the wielder of the blade known as Grandark. Please, Zero Zephyrum, as I shall call you, train with the sword to restore order to the demon race."
Oz hands Zero the blade known as Grandark, a sword that has been chained on the hilt to seal its full potential.
After some time passed, Zero becomes the great wizard's assistant, almost like a son to him, training everyday to one day learn to use the Grandark. One day, Zero is out getting water from a nearby fountain, and Oz is creating more "Zero"s without this Zero knowing about it.
"Master Oz, I have returned." Zero returns with the water, and Oz turns to him with a grin.
"Welcome back, Zero," he says."
Oz: "Zero, do you mind grocery shopping for me?"
Zero: "Huh? Why?"
Oz: *typical old man chuckle* "It's a part of your training."
"Oh well..." Zero leaves again, sighing. Master Oz watches him as he leaves, smiling.
Zero, while walking back to their home with a grocery bag, continues to mumble to himself.
"Why me...?" He asks himself.
Suddenly, a wave of fire is flung at him.
Zero: ?! *performs a backflip away from it and then jumps to the side while keeping the groceries from falling out* "Woops!"
He turns and sees a silhouette of a human knight standing in front if the sun.
???: "That's far enough... Demon!"
Zero: ... "Hah?"
The man appears to have a fiery red hair, heavy armor, a cape, and a claymore for his weapon of choice he is able to hold with one hand.
"I'm going to need you to perish, Demon," the man said, pointing his sword at Zero. "No more lives will be taken... By my sword, I will defeat you for the good of the people!"
Zero puts down his grocery bag and summons Grandark to be ready to fight.
Zero: "I don't know what the heck you're talking about... but if you wanna fight, human, then show me your resolve!"
Both glare at each other... well, Zero can't really considering he is blindfolded.
Master Oz has been waiting for a long time and getting impatient.
Oz: "That Zero... where did he get off to this time?!" *attempts to go outside for once but stopped by bumping into someone at the doorway* "Hm?"
Oz looks up and eyes a grey-haired, red-scarfed demon, and sweats a bit. The demon wore two blades on his back. Oz notices the two blades, then sighs.
"...Void," Oz calls him.
Duell: "Spare me the pleasantries. I go by 'Duell' now." *looks around the place*
Oz chuckles.
"Huh..." he said. "So it would seem."
Both of them walk back into the house. Oz walks to the side to pour a couple cups of tea.
"Oz, where is the Grandark?"
"How is Edna doing?"
"Oz, WHERE is the Grandark?"
"Is she well?"
Duell pulls out both swords and swings one of them to blow a stream of darkness to destroy more than a mile of forest area. Oz pauses, then turns slowly and glances at him, and drinks the tea.
"Void," Oz started. "Do you grieve over Edna's death that much? She was... like a lover to you, wasn't she?"
Duell: ... *puts the swords away* "Until I gain the Grandark and surpass you, I will never rest. Not... for my sake nor Edna's. And by the way, have you grown soft, 'Master' Oz?"
Oz: ... *chuckles* "So it would seem, ever since I started spending my days with Zero."
Duell: "...Zero?"
Oz: "Yeah, my latest creation, the successor to Grandark."
Duell: *twitch* ?!
Oz: "I will believe in Zero, the same way I believed in you at one point until you ran out on me... Void, you were like a son to me."
Duell: ... "Sorry, Oz, but I must find the answer to this Demon War myself."
Duell begins to leave.
Duell: "This Zero of yours... I will see to his progress myself." *leaves*
Oz: ... *stares into his empty cup* "Zero and Void... what fate will befall the two?"
Zero and the Red Knight have been clashing at each other for what seemed like hours, both breathing heavily.
???: huff, huff... *smirks* "Heh, you are pretty good..."
Zero: "Hmph... for a human, you're not half as bad..."
Both lower their weapons.
???: "If not taken as an offense, may I ask for your name?"
Zero: *grins* "I am called Zero."
???: "I apologize. I mistook you for a demon I am hunting at the moment. I could tell when we had crossed swords. My name is Elscud Sieghart, I hail from Bermesiah."
Zero: "So it seems... wait, 'Sieghart'?"
Elscud: "Yes... it is my family name."
Zero: "I see... Sir, I want to learn from you! Please teach me some of your techniques!"
Elscud: *smiles* "I'm afraid I cannot. (Zero: ?!) My good friend, I must depart for battle. I hear a demonic war is breaking out, and I must stop it at all costs... for my daughter, and my son."
Zero: "You have children, Sir Elscud?"
Elscud: "Yes. Now, I must go. May we meet again... Sir Zero." *dashes off*
Zero: "... El... scud... Sieghart..."
On his way back, Zero walks by Duell unintentionally.
Zero: ?! *feeling a demonic and threatening aura from Duell, turns to him and readies Grandark* "You...!" *charges at Duell* "Haaaaaa~!"
Duell: *stops, then turns around and fends Zero off with just a glare*
Zero: ?! *just one glare and Zero feels an overwhelming power surged into him and throwing him back easily* "Uwaaaagh!"
Duell: "You have too much to understand if you ever want to HOPE to control Grandark. You will only grow stronger, and become Grandark's one and only wielder. If one day, you are not able to achieve that power, I will personally destroy you and retrieve what was once mine." *disappears*
Zero: "Wait, Void!!" ... "What did he mean... 'what was once his'?" *looks at Grandark and gulps, then grips the handle tightly* ...
Zero finally returns to Oz only to see the forest nearby half gone.
"A demon outbreak?!" Zero cried, then runs inside. "Oz!"
Master Oz steps out from the laboratory.
"Zero? Welcome ho- why are you all bruised up?!"
Zero: "H-Huh?! Uhh... umm... I slipped and I fell."
Oz: "With Grandark hanging out of your back?! You should know he attracts oher monsters..."
"I-I'm sorry," Zero apologizes and gets a good scolding from Oz. Duell is watching after them from a distance.
Duell: ...
Finally... finally, the time has come. The demon war has reached as far and out as Eillia, near Zero and Oz. Oz wants Zero to flee to Bermesiah, but Zero would not leave Oz behind. They fled the laboratory as it got destroyed and come to Partusay's Sea.
"Zero!" Oz told him. "Just listen to me... you will take Grandark away from the war, and go to Bermesiah!"
"Why... why do you always decide for me?! Master Oz!"
Oz smiled.
"You are the first creation I made to ever have a mind to think for himself, and others. Zero, you are my last hope. I can not last longer, please..."
Monsters begin to flood even the sea now, and Zero fights them off with the last of his strength, only to fall on one knee and cough blood.
"Guh!" Zero grunts.
Oz: "Zero... you fight so hard, for me, and for Grandark... what is it that motivates you so much? I took your eyesight, yet you can fight so hard and perfectly..."
Zero: *breathing heavily, grins* "It's because... someone told me to get stronger and become the wielder of Grandark. *stands up and holds up Grandark*
"My name is Zero Zephyrum, the only one worthy and capable of wielding Grandark. I will bring Order back to this world!"
The chains in the Grandark break, and a large green eye appears on the hilt. The breaking of the chains flashed a shockwave that blew the monsters away.
Zero and Oz: ?!
"He... he did it... he really did it..." Oz watched in awe.
Zero: *prepares to fight* "... Monsters of Darkness, fall befor-!" *suddenly gets hit on the back of his neck and passes out*
"My deepest apologies, my beloved Zero..." Oz prepares a boat and whiffs Zero away, then turns and runs back to the laboratory by himself, only to be intercepted and ambushed.
Oz: "No!" *manages to fight them off but taken from behind by an arrow from Skeleton Archers* ?!
Just as more arrows begin to fire at him, Duell appears and protects him.
Duell: *picks Oz up* "Let's go!" *takes him to the lab while fending the monsters off*
Oz: "Thank... you... Void..."
Duell: "Don't talk, Master! Just... do what you gotta do!"
Duell fights the monsters with his two swords while Oz prepares to shut everything in his lab down before collapsing.
Oz: "Void... (Duell comes to his side) Don't... blame yourself for Edna's death... and, allow Zero to grow as strong as he can get... heh, he's different from you, I understand that... but, he has something you do not have, and you have something he does not have... show him the way, and help him. Only you... only you can take up this task..."
Duell: ... "I know. It's obvious, since I'm like his 'older brother'. I'll do anything to protect him in your stead, and I'll make him succeed no matter what."
Oz: *smiles and slowly closes his eyes, passing away from the loss of blood and excessive breathing* ...
Duell: ... "Master Oz... Father..." *sheds a tear before busting an aura out of his body to blast all the monsters into oblivion without moving a muscle*
Zero drifts into the sea, all alone. There was no wind, no sky, no noise, no sound, nothing. It was all quiet, and peaceful. Well, except for the sound of a clinking noise.
...Clinking noise?
Zero opens his eyes to find himself into a subspace and in front of him stands a young man with spiky green hair.
"Yo," he says. "Man, do I feel obligated to you for releasing me out of that damn seal created by the old man."
The dude starts to twirls his right arm for a little stretching.
"Who...are you?" Zero managed to spill out. The young man looks at him disgusted as if he was an idiot.
"I knew you were gonna be dense... but not THIS dense. How am I supposed to obey a pathetic Master?"
"... You're... Grandark...?!"
"Bingo~! I'm the human spirit form of the sword embodiment called Grandark. As a result of your bravery and courage, I was released from the chains, to aid you in battle and lend you my strength. You are truly a warrior worthy of my power, Zero."
"Heh... I don't know if I'm glad to hear that... or not... not after all this..."
Grandark's human form got annoyed, and scolds Zero angrily.
"Well, you sure better try to be... listen, I don't want to force you into this, okay? I don't want to do this either... but, we're partners, right? *smirks* that's what you were thinking before when you made your 'little' speech."
Zero looks up at him, and slowly grins just as everything whites out.
Zero finds himself awake in a camp of Red Knights near Trial Forest, overhearing some people talking.
Humans, Zero figures.
"It's too heavy!"
"I would get the sword away from him just in case he uses it to slice us up..."
"He just wouldn't let go of the spiky blade!"
Zero looks at Grandark, which he kept holding onto the entire time.
"Gran..." he says.
Before they could return to treat him, Zero leaves through another road.
Gran's voice: "Zero, where do you think you're going?"
Zero: "I'm gonna wander... and go places to get even stronger, possibly hoping to find Duell and find out who's behind the Demon War... I don't need any help... all I need is you, Gran."
Gran: ... "Heh, I don't know if I should be glad to hear that or not..."
Zero chuckled.
"Well... you sure better try to be."
"I guess I should, Zero."
Zero: *grins* "Let's go, Gran."

I interrupt the lineal Grand Chase Character Epilogue Fanfictions to bring upon you Zero Zephyrum's "past". Well, not exactly but it's obviously a fanfiction.

So yeah, I kinda temporarily "stopped" at Arme's epilogue. ;u;/ I've been procrastinating a lot, and storytelling couldn't take first priority over college work. Yep, I'm in college. I finally got to get my butt down into this story idea I've been having ever since Jin's past. I started this story, Zero's past, but never finished it until just recently, lol.


Okay, anyways, not much else to say other than just like with Jin's past, I was obviously curious with Zero's past considering he IS my second main in NAGC (he's level 76, I believe). I love Zero. <3 but not as much as Jin.

Zero was a demon artificially created by Master Oz, a mysterious demonic wizard who takes his life and pride in created demonic weaponry and artificial demons. Because of the Demon Wars, Oz wanted to create a weapon strong enough to put an end to it, and he did. He created the ultimate sword, Grandark. However, neither he nor Duell/Void (who was once his apprentice who he treated like a son) was able to control the blade. And so, Oz shut the eye on the sword and chained it up to seal away its powers. Oz creates the being known as "Zero", and gives him the sword that he can wield easily, however Zero is unable to draw out all of Gran's powers and has to become a warrior-in-training under Oz. Can Zero complete his training before the War breaks out to where he and Oz lives temporarily in peace?


I feel like I rushed this story a bit. I feel I could've dragged the story a bit longer in most scenes and make some scenes last longer. Are there too many loopholes or is this good enough? What do you guys think?


P.S. Yeah, this is only part 1, where it all began for Zero. Part will basically be about how Zero came to visit every places in the continents where there's his dialogue and stuff before joining the Grand Chase. I put this in two parts only because his dialogues were all over the place.

P.S.S. I suck at proofreading my own work.
© 2014 - 2024 DimSum007
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